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More Accepting and Inclusive Churches

6:30 PM Program - More Accepting & Inclusive Churches

More Accepting and Inclusive Churches

  1. What would it mean for the institutional church to welcome LGBTQIA persons?

  2. What would it mean for church leaders to help LGBTQIA persons feel more at home in their own church?

  3. How can this be accomplished in the context of Gospel values and church teaching?

Guest Speaker: Dr. Alison McLetchie

A native of Trinidad, Dr. Alison McLetchie is Assistant Professor of Social Sciences at S.C. State University. She obtained her Masters in Anthropology and a PhD in Sociology from the University of South Carolina. She teaches in the fields of Religion, Sociology, Social Inequalities, Sociology of Gender and Caribbean & Cultural Anthropology, She has taught at Claflin University and College of Charleston. Recently, she was featured in the documentary We Came A Long Way By Faith: Catholic Hill and St. James the Greater Catholic Church.

Where: Zoom Meeting

When: Tuesday, August 24

6:00 PM Social Time

6:30 PM Presentation & Discussion

Click here to RSVP

ANNOUNCEMENT from Reformation Lutheran Church: Safe Space Dinners is a new ministry of giving, serving the homeless and housing insecure LGBTQ+ youths in the Columbia, SC area. On the second Thursday of every month, beginning August 12, 2021 at 6:00 pm, Reformation Lutheran church offers youths 14-23 years old a safe space and time to gather to rest and recharge, a homestyle hot meal, entertainment and activities, and backpacks filled with hygiene kits, snack items, gift cards, bus passes, and other items they may find useful in their daily lives. There will be no preaching,or conversion therapy attempts. Services and resources from local organizations will also be provided. Finding and gaining the trust of those we seek to serve may be one of our biggest challenges, so we ask your help in getting the word out. Please see the Safe Space Dinners Facebook page or for more information on the dinners to share with youths or on how you can help the ministry.